How to Customize WooCommerce Cart Page with Free Plugin

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Are you a WordPress dude like me? Do you always work on WooCommerce for various projects and face a lot of problems when trying to create a custom WooCommerce cart page for free? Don’t worry, you are not alone. In my early days, I also faced a lot of problems customizing the WooCommerce Cart page. I always tried to find out how I could customize the cart page with a free plugin. And guess what? After some time, I found a plugin that offers cart page customization at no cost. So what are we waiting for? Let’s customize our WooCommerce cart page.

Step-01: Cart Page Design Dependency

I assume that you understand the WordPress dashboard and WooCommerce plugin. And you have a fresh WordPress installation on your localhost or domain. If you don’t have any WordPress installed on your localhost or domain, then do that first. After That, Activate the WooCommerce plugin.Upon installing WordPress, the Twenty Twenty-Four theme will be automatically activated.. Let’s see what the look or design of the cart page is in (Twenty Twenty-Four).

Twenty-twenty-four theme Cart Page


WooCommerce has 4 default pages: shop page, cart page, checkout page, and my account page. The design of these four pages depends on the theme.

So if I change the theme from the (Twenty Twenty-Four theme) to the (Kedence theme), let’s see what the design of the cart page looks like for the Kedence theme.Kadence Theme Cart page

Since we know that the cart page design depends on the WordPress theme, let’s create a custom cart page for free.

Step 02: Cart Page Custom Design

To create a custom cart page, we need two WordPress plugins:

1. Shopengine
2. Elementor

Shop Engine Plugin

Install and activate these two plugins.

After activating shop-engine plugin you will find a new option in your WordPress dashboard Name (ShopEngine).

Shop Engine Option In WordPress Dashboard

Create a Cart Page

– Go to: Dashboard => ShopEngine => Builders Template
– Click  on  Add New to open the Template Settings Window
– Give a Template name of your preference
– Choose Type as Cart from the dropdown
– Turn on the Set Default option to replace any existing Cart Page.
– Choose the blank option under Sample Design
– Click on Save Changes to update
Now, check your WooCommerce website’s cart page design. It should be changed.




setup shopengine Plugin

Now, check your WooCommerce website’s cart page design. It should be changed.

Custom Shopengine cart Page

Additionally, you can edit your cart page using the Elementor page builder. If you want to edit your cart page or create it from scratch, you need to know how to use the Elementor Page Builder.

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